Friday, February 26, 2010

It is time to let go

I seem to have this new habit of hoarding my own pieces that I make. I do not think it is necessarily a bad thing that I do this. But I do know it is not condusive for me to finacially keep most of them. I have analyzed over and over why.  I have come to the conclusion that they can be like my pseudo children, something that I put alot of energy and time into, and then to just stick a price on it and sell it really sucks for me. So while I may hoard way to often,  I actually do let go when I am good and ready to, is this normal? perhaps not, but who is normal really? I just need to spend a little time with them before I shove them off the high dive.
So next step is, [insert big scary music] sorting.  This step has taken me about a month to decide which ones I can part with in round one of my jewelry purging. (as my lovely organized sister calls it)
I decided I can keep the ones I will actually wear, or will hang on my wall as Art. I think I can live with this sorting method.
So the above photo shows the pieces I am letting go this round, and below are the listing links where they can be found, thanks for looking!
Season 2: Episode 9: Flower Power
Season 2: Episode 3: Blazing Color Orange
Season 6: Episode 10: Pick-a-Place
Season 6: Episode 11: Complimentary Look
Season 6: Episode 5: Newspaper
Season 6: Episode  6: Create a Character

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blog Carnival: February 2010

"So what is a blog carnival you ask? "
It is group of Etsy Metal members who will collectively write a article on a monthly subject.
We will be blogging this the first Monday of each month.

February Topic:
"What is your favorite Ring a Day ring"
I interpreted this as to pick my favorite of "other participants" rings they made so far!
Well I could not just pick one ring so out of 3,150 photos of rings, I painfully narrowed it down to 5 which was very hard, as there were so many fantastic rings made so far in this crazy challenge.  You can see all the rings here.

Thomasin Durgin: Kite ring
When I saw this whimsical beauty and It just made me smile.
See more of Tomi's rings here.

Danielle Miller: Growth
Now this piece has such a beautiful elegant form.
 It is just breath taking to me, a definate sculpture for the hand.
See more of Danielle's rings  here.

Mike Stromberg: Kitty Fishin'
I love this. I love love love kinetic pieces.
I think Mike made such a fine fun ring and it is surely one of my favorites!
See a video he made of his ring in action here.

Nina Gibson: Bubble Wrapped
I just love this image.
If I were to wear her ring of bubble wrap I would not be able to resist popping it.
See more of Nina's rings  here.

Laurie Brown: Walnut Box with Secret Trap Door
This is such a wonderful piece.
It has a secret trap door on the bottom that opens when you take it off. This ring is pure magic! See more of Laurie's rings here.

Please check out these EtsyMetal member's blogs below to see who thier favorites were!

EtsyMetal Project Runway Jewelry Challenge Season 7.2 "Burlap"

This was my last entry for the EtsyMetal Project Runway Jewelry Challenge. I had put this one off until the last possible minute thinking I had it in the bag. I was going to make Kanzashi fabric flowers out of my burlap. Well after I tried to assemble my first flower I realized it was not going to work as my burlap was too dense! Uh oh, I started to panic, I had to post this by noon that afternoon. So I cut some burlap circles and dipped them in dye, then fabricated the Sterling discs and sewed the circles to the metal. Needless to say I was not very inspired by this weeks material but I knew I had to get something made in time, it is my personal goal to complete this challenge every week. I fondly call these earrings Raggedy Anns :)

To see some really wonderful burlap pieces from other EtsyMetal team members please click here!